Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sunday 14th - Thursday 18th of April, 2013

Sunday 14th - Thursday 18th of April, 2013 

Sunday 14th of April, 2013 

This was a very long week full of exhausting project time and a lot of work to be finalized. on Sunday I had to work with my group members on a presentation which is to be presented by us on Wednesday for the culture course. 

Our project was to talk about the world view theory and explore an inter-cultural or intra-cultural issue and demonstrate the world view theory on that issue. So we chose to talk about Child abuse within the UAE, Gulf and worldwide. 

We chose to speak about Wadeema's case that happened in the UAE and shocked most of the UAE citizens who outraged for the the horrific death of this little child. 

Baby Wadeema- May She Rest In Peace

These are some links to some articles about the story according to the flow of the story and dates issues by gulf news if you are interested to read:
  1. Man and mistress accused of killing daughter by torture and jailed for consensual sex
  2. Prosecutors seeking capital punishment for father accused of torturing daughters
  3. Emirat father tortured wudeema and meera to exorcise jinn from their bodies
We also chose to speak about a child that was abused and raped by her own parents and uncle and due to the continues abuse the child was called dead after 5 months and 5 days of being bought to this dark world. the infant was called Brianna Mariah Lopez and her story was one of the most horrifying stories in the US history.

Baby Brianna Mariah Lopez- July 19th, 2002

This is a link Baby Brianna Mariah Lopez to the full story about her murder and with the pictures of baby Briana's body that was bruised from head to toe, an evidence of the brutal crime of her parents and uncle. 

ALERT: for those with weak hearts please Google the story without the pictures as the pictures are vary horrifying. 


The stories were very shocking and it got me in a really bad mood so I called a very dear friend to me, a friend who knows me so well, that she knows that nothing can get me out of a bad mood EXCEPT one thing FOOD !! so she picked me up and we headed to Applebees 

Here is my review on Applebees 

Monday 15th of April, 2013 

The day started with me being late for college since I thought the class starts at 11 when it actually starts at 8'AM. But, that was fine that is not the first time that I arrive late LOL. After attending the Taxation class with Dr. Indrani. I posted my review on Applebees

I enjoy Accounting BUT Taxation that I'm not a big fan of !!! so when the classes finished at 4 I called my friend and we went to VOX cinema where we watched A Haunted House to change my mood. I would give the movie a 3 out of 5 rating although it made a lot of fuss when it was first released. "A Haunted House Trailer

Now, the best part was the Hot Dog that I ate from the cinema's food corner. It was one of the best Hot Dog Sandwich that I had since a while. I would defiantly recommend it. 


Tuesday 16th of April, 2013 

As I woke up my mother told me about the Boston Marathon Explosion that happened on Monday !! It was very shocking to me since we haven't heard of an explosion in America since the incident of 9-11. So I immediately opened Youtube to check out if there is any posts about the explosion !! when I saw the Video I felt bad for those innocent people who died and those injured !!! It is always the innocent people who get trapped in the dark game of those heartless and ruthless savages

I bet you have watched the explosion but you haven't this is the best link that shows the incident "Boston Marathon Explosion, April 15th, 2013"